Saturday, March 06, 2010

Happy Dinner!

Company matters to make any occacion happier.... I always enjoy the great company of Julce.. She is a great expressive kind of woman.. Easy going with any kind of people.. She makes me feel good always.. Coming to the point yesterday as I told you, it was a great start and had good time all the day .. Including this, Julce invited me and Gui (My cuban neighbour) for the dinner.. She made a surprise that she preapred my favorite chicken and a big surprise is that she bought the champagne of my favorite... wowwwwwwwwwww.. That was so sweet of her.. . You can say that dinner was just according to my taste... How can I say this? except saying lucky enough to have Julce (My daughter: I am her Indian mother) here.....

We had a toast for the people happiness!!! We were good even after finishing one bottle of wine.. What do you think????

And Julce and Gui voluntarily wanted to post this special photo in my blog...Infact they asked me to take this photo for my blog... Ha ha ha.. So sweet right??? I like their braveness..

Obrigada Julce e Gracias Gui for your good company and I had good fun with you both..