Thursday, October 07, 2010

Picnic On National Holiday - October 5th

This is the other unforgettable date (October 5th) in my life.. This is the day which I landed Portugal first time.

When Simona asked about this picnic (in Porto) on this day I just said yes.. And I wished to travel with my friends... As per my wish we could all go together and spend good time together. Here I miss Julce.. (She is now travelling with her son and daughter in law visited from Brazil).

I guess you know all my friends.. No need for introduction expect Izabel (Brazilian).
In Our picnic, first spot is Sealife: While waiting for the other people, We went to visit the Castle nearby.

One of my favourite photos.. How do you like it???

Some photos from Sealife:

Could you find the world's poisonous fish in this photo??? This is called "Stone Fish"..
This was good feeling to be with fishes..
After finishing the sea life, we got in to the bus .. Where our organiser (Rui) and Simona distributed the t-shirt and cap for the kids printed with their names..

And we had our good lunch in the botanical park... This is our second spot...
We felt bit selfish to see these beautiful birds in the cage..

And we all went to the Zoo.....

I was so happy to see the penguins ...
This reminds me the adamance.. We have a proverb in Tamil (Standing in one leg like this to receive something)..
When Vaibhave and Nasim went to see the insects (which I am so sacred of and just one small worm is enough even to kill me.. How easy???? Never try!), I spent sitting here watching these ducks.. ..

And soem interesting pictures from us..

We all had great fun being together....