Friday, November 12, 2010

I Will soon miss Autumn leaf colors - for this year!!!!

I am glad that I am still seeing the fall colors!!!!


would you like to know,
Why do leaves change color in Fall?

sure you do.. just a re-cap...

(A green leaf is green because of the presence of a pigment known as chlorophyll. When they are abundant in the leaf's cells , as they are during the growing season, the chlorophylls' green color dominates and masks out the colors of any other pigments that may be present in the leaf. Thus the leaves of summer are characteristically green.

Pigments that contribute to other colors

Carotenoids are present in leaves the whole year round, but their orange-yellow colors are usually masked by green chlorophyll. As autumn approaches, certain influences both inside and outside the plant cause the chlorophylls to be replaced at a slower rate than they are being used up. During this period, with the total supply of chlorophylls gradually dwindling, the "masking" effect slowly fades away. Then other pigments that have been present (along with the chlorophylls) in the cells all during the leaf's life begin to show through. These are carotenoids and they provide colorations of yellow, brown, orange, and the many hues in between.)

With the re-cap I would like to share these photos..

On the way to my faculty..

and my faculty..
I hope you liked it!
Have a good weekend!