Friday, May 21, 2010

Portuguese Dinner at Dormtund!!!!!

I am with a lot of smile to write this post..

It was yesterday I just had a very surprise call from my Portuguese friend (Carla) who studies here in Dortmund. She called me up and invited me for the dinner.. It was actually her mother asked her to call me for the dinner..Her mother has come from Lisbon .. You know , I was with her in Lisbon for four days and had lot of fun without communicating actually..

And that was my first post in this blog..

I was so excited and happy to meet her here in Germany.. that was superb feeling.. She is my Portuguese Mother.. She is so sweet.. We go along very well without really talking too..
And very active woman.. I just adore her.. and she has such a great dressing sense..

Here she is with Carla..
and of course with me..

And I dont have to say that she cooks great.. She really cooked a delicious rice with shrimp,, a Portuguese food...That went perfect with Portugal wine ..

End with some fruits and Porto wine.. Oh Wow.... Unexpected day... I felt I was in Portugal ... I was bit drunk and got home ....slept...

And one more information I have to mention here that they both packed me two days food.. I am still eating that .......

I was really honoured by your invitation Carla...

Muito Obrigada !

Beijinhos para ti e mãe..


  1. Mensagem da Mãe: "Obrigada pela tua boa companhia! Também gostei muito de te ver!!!"
    (Thank you for your nice company! I also loved to see you again!!!)
    Menssagem da Carla: Your blog is very beautiful and our photos are very nice!! beijiinhos e bom fim-de-semana =)

  2. Two days food.. hahhahhaaa lucky girl..
